We have *the best rental properties near UofL 🤯
*Yes, we're a little biased. Single-family homes in Old Louisville for 2025-2026. Sign up below to join the waitlist!
seamless rental experience
✅ Simple dashboard
✅ Mobile-ready tenant app
✅ Easy lease signing
All homes for 2024-2025 are currently rented. Check back later or join waitlist.
Rent Collection
We use a software for easy rent collection, free from hidden fees. The tenant-ready app has customizable payment options and gives you the opportunity to build credit while you're renting.
Lease Signing
We have e-lease signing which allows you to conveniently sign your lease agreement.
And much more!
✅ Credit, Debit, ACH
✅ Google Pay, Apple Pay
✅ Auto-pay for Tenants
✅ Partial Payments
✅ Near UofL
✅ Single-family Houses
✅ Off-street Parking
✅ Old Louisville Locations
Made with ❤️ in Louisville, KY.
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